Sorry for the dramatic headline, but in the radio business only a small percentage of people ever hear announcements we make on the show.
So I thought I’d just put it out there front and center.
My first morning show on Mix 100 in Denver (at that time called Majic 100) was on January 23rd, 1993. That was one week after Bill Clinton was inaugurated.
Tomorrow, September 25th, 2024, will be my 7,119th show—and my last—on Mix 100.
Jeremy is not going anywhere, and he will continue to host the show. He and Josh will be joined by another person who will be named soon.
They’re all fantastic, and I know they’ll put on a terrific show.
As for me: No, I’m not retiring.
I’m moving down the dial a little bit. Starting on Monday, October 7th, I’ll be hosting the morning show on Kool 105 in Denver (105.1 FM).
I’ll be joined by a good friend of mine—we even worked together back in the 1990s—Melissa Moore. Until a few weeks ago, Melissa hosted the midday show at KOSI 101. I’m very lucky to work with one of the best radio professionals in Denver, and one of the best people in the business, period.
In case you’re wondering, the Mindbender will be making the move with me to Kool 105. It’s my baby, and it’ll still happen weekday mornings at 7:30. You can still count on this mailer, too.
So to recap: Tomorrow, Sept. 25, will be my last day on Mix 100. Jeremy, Josh, and their new partner will start next week.
And starting Monday, October 7, it’ll be Dom In The Morning with Melissa Moore on Kool 105.
Believe me, this is a bittersweet move after so many years. I really appreciate everyone who has spent mornings with me for any chunk of the last 32 years.
Since this was a lot to drop on you, I’ll just include today’s Mindbender, clue, and answer, and leave out the bonus stories this time.
Eleven percent of people say they often do this when they go shopping, even though they KNOW it irritates other people.
Here's a clue:
It’s something they do OUTSIDE the store.
So what’s the answer?
They intentionally take up more than one parking space.
Because, you know, they’re more special than you and me. 😀
That'll do it for today's Mindbender. Sorry to drop a bombshell on you, but life goes on.
Thank you for being part of The Club.
Enjoy your day!
I think we have the kind of friendship where if I were the devil, you'd be the only one I would tell.
Thanks for all the laughs over the years. I am looking forward to listening to you down the dial!
Guess im moving to kool 105 🥳